Friday, June 27, 2008

Girls Camp! And an epiphany

So I was put in charge of the food for girls camp this year. It has stressed me out some, and I have procrastinated a little as well, but time has run out, and I've finally had to face the music (whew nice run-on sentance). And what have I found out? I actually enjoyed being in charge of, and organizing this seemingly huge task. It actually wasn't as huge a task as I thought, and I had plenty of help as well. So what did this task entail? Well I had to (with help from some of our adorable yw) put together a menu, then the official shopping list, then shop for said shopping list, then pre-cook some of the food. That's what we did today, and while it was a long day (especially for Ligey). I actually enjoyed all aspects of it. I enjoyed figuring out the menu (who dosen't love dutch oven food, and smores?), but what really surprised me is that I loved organizing it all. The shopping list, how much to buy, how everything was going to come together. I mean I really enjoyed it. Strange considering I have always felt I never was much for organiztion of anything. You should see my house, 99% of the time everywhere is un-organized. I just always felt like that skill was out of my relm. Not so me thinks! I just have to start somwhere small and work out. And as of now somehow my house is as organized and clutter free as it's ever been. By others standards it might not be considered as such, but for me it's in a really good place. And strangley enough I actually enjoyed the last week of home de-cluttering, and organization. Hmm! I think I've been selling myself short all these years. I haven't given myself enough credit. I just had to start small, and work out from there, and most of all be patient. It can't all come together at once. Now I just have to keep it up, not get frustrated, overwhelmed, and give up.

Okay then!


Lib-Dawg said...

AHHHHHH! Alisha, I am so glad to see you are posting! I FINALLY added you to my list of blogs that I hang out at way to much! I love reading your few posts...can't wait for more. Also, glad you are getting into the spirit of organizing - isn't it great! ;) I patiently wait for more posts from you!

Cathryn said...

Isn't de-junking the best? I love throwing stuff away.
One very good benefit of the military is having to go through ALL your stuff every couple of years and tossing what you don't need because you can only move with so many lbs each time. And now, here in Oki it is even more important as our homes/apartments are all so small! I have zero room for things I don't need.
So, keep it up!