Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's time to make some changes.

Well I didn't want to have to do this yet, but with all the working out I think I'm going to have to really tweak my diet. You see I've been working out for about a month now. Averaging 3-4 work outs a week. I feel that's pretty darn good considering I really haven't enjoyed it in the passed. And having 3 children makes it pretty hard to find the time AND energy to WANT to work out. So anyway here I am feeling pretty happy about my latest go at exercising. I'm happier, feeling healthier, and oddly enough seeming to have more energy. Weird I know! Anyway the problem is, I haven't dropped a single lb. What! I have been working my tail off (as best as I can anyway), and nothing. So here's the thing, I eat sorta healthy. I have cut out a lot of my fast food eating, virtually all of my soda intake (oh how I love my lime Coke), pretty much only drink water, yadda, yadda, yadda. Well it ain't good enough, and it's not going to get me where I want to go. Ya know? And lately for whatever reason I can eat, and eat, and eat, and not get that full feeling I usually get. I've never been a big over eater. Yeah I like to eat, and not the good stuff, but I usually know when to call it quits before I've eaten as much as a horse (well before that I hope). So now I think it's time to really try at the eating part of this losing weight thing. I really have to try to cut my portions down, I can do that. I need to cut out almost all of my fast food excursions (ahh Wendy's what will I do without your spicy chicken, and cookiedough frosty???). I must fit in more fruits and veggies. I refuse to cut it all out, I just won't do it. I enjoy it too much, but I really have to find some serious self control. I have too, or all this exercising is for not. I must make a resolve to try harder. I know I can do it. All I want is to feel healthy, and thinner. I don't even want to be skinny. I'd like to keep some of my curves even. I just need to lost the flab.

So the goal is:
Cut down my portion sizes
Eat more fruits and veggies
Eat less fast food (leave me alone Wendy!)

Okay that's a start. Obviously I'll have to tweak it as I go a long, but for now that's it.

I can do it! Yeah!